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On the Mexican people and their faith

Oh my Jesus. I sit here at the Basilica of Guadalupe. Mass is happening. The consecration....
You are present.

In this sacred spot, I realize this may be the last time in this room. I am so grateful for this time, along with my sister.

The faith of the Mexican people astounds me with its deep, deep devotion. Not a faith borne from science, reason or even desire. It is much more than a cultural anomaly. It is — or feels like a love that is at its core, is what Christ calls us to - with all their body, mind and soul.

Their visible faith is the best icon of Catholicism.

Rich, poor, lame and beautiful. Young and old, all together in perfect and complete reverence for God.

This chapel, with your Divine Presence, is over capacity right now.

Almost no one leaves with their back to you. They exit the room walking backwards. Many enter on their knees.

Christ, you said to us, "Abide with me".

An elderly gentleman takes his time, walking backward, up the stairs, his eyes fixed on you.

I am sitting on the steps, as there is no more room in this sacred space.

There is perfect silence in this room, and I sense I am surrounded by a perfect and beautiful faith that in this room is united in a flowing stream of love. Your love is reaching out to us - our love is reaching out to you.

I feel an explosive love beyond what the world knows.

There is a real sense of expectation here.

We wait. We wait. Mass is ending, and your Divine Presence will soon be exposed to us.

The room is heavy with expectation.

Suddenly we hear VIVA VIVA VIVA

The Mass is ending.

I turn to see standard bearers of the Precious Body entering to bring the remnants of your presence. This remnant which unites and is already united as a whole. The mystery of this beautiful faith is beyond understanding.

No one could sit here with Him for one minute and not believe. His Presence is so rich and real.
Jesus, what can I say to you to thank you for revealing yourself to us?

The ministers of the Blessed Sacrament wear blue sashes.

Thousands are waiting outside to enter the church and its never-ending Mass.

That is us!

We wait outside.

We wait outside of heaven, and are blessed if we choose to listen.

The Mexican gentleman sitting beside me is crying.

"Oh Dios, O Dios," He weeps and prays. Dios Dios. He weeps. A gentle conversation is happening between him and God. There is a sense of gratefulness in his tears.

Sitting amongst this sea of humanity, I feel fed in a way that I can't put into words.

To a person without faith, it may seem very strange to see so many people weeping and talking to themselves; walking backward; entering the room on their knees...
But, to your Lord.

The Unseen is deeply present. It has a name. It is Love. It is Mercy.

Jesus, I will see you tomorrow no matter where you are - which is everywhere, particularly as every other Catholic in the world. I ready my heart to say Adios - Goodbye to your mother as she appears to her people; her children.

She says, "Am I not your mother?"
How can I say goodbye?

In a very small way, I am taking a piece of her love and place it in my heart and pray with my whole being that it flourishes there. That through my own failings I do not provide a beautiful place for her love to thrive.

Lord. Help me to be faithful. Give me wisdom.

Holy Spirit, I need your guidance and inspiration to fire up the gifts, so that the book I'm writing gives people a desire for a mystical faith.

Jesus, help me to imitate you in love and Holy Mother, help me to be a good mother and grandmother who will give Sean a seed of faith that he will water with hope.

Every moment here shows me something new and amazing.

A family in front of me prays and worships you with their joyful and beautiful Downs teenager. He holds his mom's hand as they gaze at Jesus. So beautiful.

A young man beside me is here, sitting peacefully in your Presence. Are you challenging him, as a good friend?

Another man, kneeling right in front of you can't stop looking and praying in perfect stillness.

Lord, I believe that the immense faith of these people just may be keeping your hand of justice against us. For what Father takes his anger out on a loving and trusting child.

Give me faith such as these, Lord.
